261 to 265 of 265
  • by Debra Wheatman - November 6, 2009
    How does one go about getting the name of someone in human resources or the name of a hiring manager? Job listings posted all over the place simply read: No phone calls and direct résumé to BD or some other letter combination at some post office box or no-reply email address. Getting a name is like pulling a needle from a haystack. A good read might be something from Sherlock Holmes or a day with reruns of Get Smart to help...
  • by Debra Wheatman - November 6, 2009
    What makes for a great leader? Are leaders born, or can they be molded? Whether or not someone has the capacity to be a great leader, they still need to be molded and nurtured. Which means, EVERYONE, even if their job doesn’t have a leadership component right now, should consider developing their leadership skills.What are the traits that define leadership anyway?You asked. So, in a nutshell here they are:Vision: Leaders ha...
  • by Debra Wheatman - November 6, 2009
    Social networking is all the rage. How great is it that you can connect with people globally – share ideas, learn new and interesting things? Wonderful! What an awesome way to gain a different perspective on things and explore other opinions.When does the social network become a landmine? I’ll tell you when: when you decide that you are going to flaunt body parts – yours as well as those of your erstwhile friends and any ot...
  • by Debra Wheatman - November 6, 2009
    Working in a temporary position or on a contract assignment can be a great way to dip your big toe in the pool to see if you actually want to go for a swim. Frankly, I like the idea of temping – it’s try before you (potentially) buy. You can really get the ‘lay of the land’ and avoid buyer’s remorse that sometimes happens when you accept a position and then shortly thereafter decide that you hate it and made a mistake. You...
  • by Debra Wheatman - November 6, 2009
    Is your employer feeling the crunch of the current economic climate? So much so, that the dreaded ‘pay freeze’ has been put into effect? Do you feel that your efforts to go above and beyond have really done some good? You can still get the raise you desire. Here are some tips to help sway the scale in your favor:Conduct Research: Before you saunter into the boss’ office and have ‘the discussion’ you need to be prepared with...