Live Life With Passion Like Anthony Bourdain
I hope that you had a lovely Labor Day weekend, I certainly did. My brother came down from Dallas for a visit for the first few days of the weekend. On Monday, Labor Day, after my brother went home and my husband had gone to the outlet mall to avail himself of the holiday sales, I spent the day watching the Travel Channel.

Specifically I watched the Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations" marathon. I had seen a few Anthony Bourdain shows in the past but had never watched as many as I did on Monday. I was really engrossed in the show because of Bourdain's passion for travel and his absolute fearlessness. Bourdain's enthusiasm and wit sucked me in to watching several hours of his adventures in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, and Ghana. It occurred to me that we can all learn something about the value of being passionate about our jobs from Anthony Bourdain.

Anthony Bourdain is sarcastic, funny, outspoken, and knowledgeable about food and travel. He loves trying new foods, some of which I wouldn't try for a million dollars. Bourdain is a celebrity chef who ran his own restaurant for 28 years before taking his current job with the Travel Channel. So, when it comes to food he really knows his stuff and isn't afraid to try any dish anywhere in the world. In other words, he has the perfect job (for him).

Are you fearless when it comes to your profession? Are you in the perfect job for you? I hope you are. I hope that when you see opportunities you take them. I hope that you try new things and walk fearlessly and happily into new experiences. If, however, you don't feel passionate or fearless about your career then maybe you can learn from Anthony Bourdain.

In particular, I appreciate his confidence in his opinions and his outspokenness when it comes to sharing them. He wrote a blog post about the Food Network and its varied hosts/personalities that is one of the funniest things I have ever read. I admire him for being absolutely confident about his point of view and fearless about sharing it.

Check out Anthony Bourdain's show on the Travel Channel sometime and see if you don't come away from the show with a boost in inspiration. He inspired me to get started on some projects that I have been procrastinating on starting because they are a little daunting. If Bourdain can eat a seal's eye or a sheep's bladder, I figure I can muster up the courage/energy/inspiration to start some high impact projects that I have been putting off!